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Late Summer Lawn Care for Pet Owners: Keeping Your Garden Healthy and Safe

Late Summer Lawn Care for Pet Owners: Keeping Your Garden Healthy and Safe

Aug 22, 2024


As we approach the end of summer, lawn care becomes crucial for maintaining a healthy, green garden that’s also safe for your pets. Late summer is a critical time for addressing any wear and tear that the lawn has experienced during the hotter months, and preparing it for the cooler, wetter autumn season. This blog will provide tips and insights on how pet owners can care for their lawns while ensuring the safety and well-being of their furry friends.

Section 1: Addressing Pet-Related Lawn Damage

1. Repairing Burn Patches:

  • Cause: Pets, especially dogs, often cause "burn patches" on the lawn due to the high nitrogen content in their urine, which can lead to brown spots.
  • Solution:
    • Watering: Immediately water the area where your pet has urinated to dilute the nitrogen concentration.
    • Soil Treatments: Consider applying a lawn treatment specifically designed to neutralise pet urine and repair the soil. Products like gypsum can help to balance the soil's pH.
    • Re-Seeding: If the burn patches are severe, re-seed the affected areas with a pet-safe grass seed mix.

2. Managing Digging Behaviour:

  • Cause: Dogs may dig in the garden due to boredom, hunting instincts, or to cool down in the soil.
  • Solution:
    • Training: Teach your dog to dig in a designated "digging area" by burying toys or treats there. This can help keep the rest of your lawn intact.
    • Barriers: Use barriers such as fencing or plant shrubs around areas where your dog frequently digs to discourage the behaviour.

Section 2: Pet-Safe Lawn Treatments

1. Choosing Pet-Friendly Fertilisers:

  • Importance: Many traditional lawn fertilisers contain chemicals that can be harmful to pets if ingested or absorbed through the skin.
  • Solution: Opt for organic or pet-safe fertilisers that are free from harmful chemicals. Always follow the instructions carefully and keep pets off the lawn until the product has been fully absorbed or washed into the soil.

2. Weed and Pest Control:

  • Consideration: Common herbicides and pesticides can be toxic to pets.
  • Solution:
    • Natural Alternatives: Use natural weed control methods such as vinegar-based solutions or manually pulling weeds. For pest control, consider introducing beneficial insects like ladybirds or using pet-safe pest deterrents.
    • Timing: Apply any necessary treatments when your pets are indoors, and ensure they stay off the lawn until it’s safe.

Section 3: General Late Summer Lawn Maintenance

1. Regular Watering:

  • Importance: Late summer can be dry, which stresses the lawn. Proper watering helps maintain its health and resilience.
  • Solution: Water deeply and less frequently to encourage deep root growth. Morning watering is ideal to minimise evaporation and reduce the risk of disease.

2. Aeration:

  • Purpose: Aerating the lawn allows air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deep into the soil, which is especially important after a season of heavy use.
  • Solution: Use a manual or mechanical aerator to perforate the lawn with small holes. This process can help alleviate compaction and promote healthier grass growth.

3. Mowing:

  • Best Practices: Mow the lawn regularly, but avoid cutting it too short. Keeping the grass slightly longer (about 6-7.5 cm) helps shade the soil and retain moisture.
  • Tip: Always use a sharp mower blade to ensure clean cuts and reduce stress on the grass.

Section 4: Creating a Pet-Friendly Garden Environment

1. Designated Play Areas:

  • Purpose: Designate specific areas of the garden for your pets to play, which can help minimise damage to the rest of the lawn.
  • Solution: Consider using mulch, gravel, or artificial turf in these areas to create durable, pet-friendly zones.

2. Safe Plants and Landscaping:

  • Consideration: Some plants can be toxic to pets if ingested.
  • Solution: Choose pet-safe plants and avoid using cocoa mulch, which is toxic to dogs. Ensure any landscaping elements are safe and secure to prevent injuries.

Summing Up

Maintaining a healthy lawn while keeping your pets safe is entirely achievable with the right strategies and products. By addressing pet-related lawn issues, using pet-safe treatments, and following proper late-summer lawn care practices, you can enjoy a beautiful garden that’s safe for all members of your household - both two-legged and four-legged.

For more lawn care tips and to explore our range of pet-safe lawn products, visit Superpet. Share your lawn care success stories and tips with us on social media using #SuperpetLawnCare.


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